From Chaos to Connectivity

In the wake of a disaster, one of the most critical challenges is the significant gap in connectivity. Vital information cannot be shared, coordination between agencies is delayed, survivors are left isolated and unable to reach out for help and response efforts cannot effectively begin.

ITDRC provides connectivity, volunteer support, and technology services to communities and relief organizations impacted by disasters.

We are Known For

  • Our innovative approach to leveraging technology.

  • Our ability to source, train and deploy skills-based volunteers.

  • Our ability to unite and collaborate both domestically and internationally with public, private and nonprofit sectors.

  • Our nimbleness and problem solving to extend ITDRC’s capabilities beyond disaster response and recovery.

Our Core Focus Areas

Life Safety

  • Public Safety

  • Hospital emergency rooms

  • Critical infrastructure

Mass Care

  • Evacuee feeding & sheltering

  • Survivor reunification

  • Medical & pharmacy services

Community Recovery

  • Volunteer & donations management

  • Disaster relief & resource centers

  • Continuity of government

Long-term Recovery

  • Survivor & Social Services support 

  • Community & educational facilities

  • Community restoration  

Response and Recovery Made Better by Preparedness

Throughout the year ITDRC conducts simulations and training exercises with volunteers, local governments, communities, and nonprofit organizations responding to disasters.

A major goal of our work is preparedness and IT infrastructure mitigation, leading ultimately to community resiliency.

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